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Well-known pollster, analyst reviews 2014 election results

Ed Sarpolus of Target-Insyght analyzed election results at Capitol Issues Forum, Nov. 13 in his presentation, “…How Could that Have Happened? A Debriefing of the 2014 Election.”

Sarpolus returned to CIF after speaking last March on possible outcomes for the November election and stressed that polling is merely a snapshot of a specific period of time to track trends and measure changes. Since politics is widely discussed, pollsters and those who follow elections need to go out into the community and listen to what people say, in addition to using polls.

“Both Snyder and Schauer lack charisma,” Sarpolus said, stressing that candidates need to humanize themselves to be recognized and remembered. Neither Snyder nor Schauer did that, he noted, adding that name recognition is a key factor in winning elections.

Sarpolus later analyzed why Democrats lost the battle, saying they got “too greedy” and tried to appeal to republican voters instead of encouraging democrats to vote.

Sarpolus is a political pollster, analyst and strategist with more than 20 years experience in market research and issue advocacy on topics such as corporate competitiveness, education and health care. He crafts and implements strategies to influence legislation, political action and public policy discussions in Michigan and throughout the US, and for several clients in Europe and the Pacific Rim.

CIF is a joint project of Lezotte Miller Public Relations Inc. and the Small Business Association of Michigan, held monthly, at the Small Business Association of Michigan headquarters, 120 N. Washington, suite 1000. More information about the forum is available on Facebook at

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